Alien Species

A repository displaying each SWO alien race's statistics & relevant information.

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  • Sluissi
    Patient, sociable, relaxed, and easy-going beings
    • Raine
    • Updated:
  • Zeltron
    Pretty In Pink
    • Raine
    • Updated:
  • Rattataki
    A brain that large contains a multitude of treacheries.
    • Raine
    • Updated:
  • Abyssin
    Primitive and violent nomadic herders
    • Raine
    • Updated:
  • Alderaanian
    Humans known for their pacifistic values and devotion to the arts
    • Raine
    • Updated:
Whiphid Raine
Tall, bulky bipeds covered in long, coarse fur
Verpine Raine
Bipedal insectoid sentient species with green skin
Twi'lek Raine
Humanoids with twin tentacles protruding from the skull
Trianii Raine
Advanced, adventurous felinoid species
Togruta Raine
Colorful skin tones, large montrals and head tails, white facial pigments, and thirst for war.
Sullustan Raine
Founders of the prosperous SoroSuub Corporation
Selonian Raine
Large musteline carnivorous mammals with long, flexible spines.
Ryn Raine
Uncommon humanoids with prehensile tails, beak-like noses, long fingers, and white hair
Rodian Raine
Green-skinned reptilian humanoids
Ortolan Raine
Blue-skinned bipeds with trunk-like noses