Dexterity is a measure of your character's eye-hand coordination and balance. Characters with a high Dexterity are good shots, can dodge blaster bolts, can walk balance beams with ease and even make good pickpockets. Characters with a low Dexterity are clumsy.

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Armor Weapons Raine
Weapons that are part of one's suit of armor
Acrobatics Raine
Ability to perform extraordinary feats of balance, agility, and motor coordination
Archaic Guns Raine
Ability to fire any primitive gun
Back to Back Raine
Two characters acting as a single body in combat
Blaster Raine
Ability to shoot blaster weapons that can be held and carried by a character
Blaster Artillery Raine
Ability to fire all fixed, multi-crew heavy weapons
Bow Raine
Ability to use all bow type weapons, except the Wookiee bowcaster
Bowcaster Raine
Proficiency at firing a Wookiee bowcaster
Catch! Raine
Intercept ranged projectile attacks
Contortions Raine
Escape from bonds or tightly enclosed places
Counter Raine
Make a single attack immediately after a successful reaction skill use
Dancing Raine
Moving to a musical beat and looking good while doing it
Defend Raine
Fend off initial enemy attacks with a temporary buff to defense
Dodge Raine
Ability to avoid ranged attack(s)
Firearms Raine
Ability to fire all guns which use bullets
Flurry Raine
Take an extra attack per round
Guard Raine
Guard another character with your body
Lightsaber Raine
The skill to wield a lightsaber, the famed weapon of the Jedi knights
Melee Combat Raine
Ability to wield all hand-to-hand melee weapons, except the Lightsaber
Missile Weapons Raine
Ranged combat skill for firing all types of missile weapons
Pick Pocket Raine
Palm objects without being noticed
Quick Draw Raine
Drawing your weapon as a free action
Rapid Shot Raine
Make one extra attack action with a ranged weapon (in one round)