Character Species: Baseline Human
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Height: 170 cm
Weight: 60 kg
Character Move: 10/13
Personal Quote: "The best weapon anyone can have, is a sharp Mind."
Character Health Points: 30
Character Initiative: 17
Morality: +22
Renown: 5
Spent FP: 12
Character Pic:
Character Bio:
Character Trait Modifier:
Special Skills:
Force Severed - Chet suffered a grevious head injury as a young man, severing the ability for his brain to register his ability to sense or control the Force. He was only kept alive through a dark and unknown ritual (Darth Nereus Vorn under a false identity, who trained him and his brother Corran on Endor as "The Old Man"), and he himself is not aware of who saved him or why. What is known is that he can only very briefly access his latent Force abilities, and only then with the use of an FP. His Force Attributes were all at 3D at the time he was severed, and had knowledge of Powers of Padawan rank. These have all been effectively reduced to 1D for both Attributes and the Powers under them. Any attempt to activate a Force Power requires a DC 21 to activate, before results are tallied as normal for the roll. (See Trait: Favored). He cannot gain Development Points, and cannot
Former Republic Officer - Turned Imperial at the announcement of the New Order, in order to further his career, and work within to achieve better results than the deeply corrupt and dysfunctional Republic that it replaced.
Imperial Ideals - Does believe in strong *benevolent* central authority and military. Thinks the best society is ordered and structured toward the greater good. These ideals have tempered quite a bit over the years however, and he now believes that the best the Empire will be able to achieve in it's current form, is a 'cleansing' of the Galactic order and the prompting of a reawakened interest in Galactic affairs by the general public. Realizing these ends, in his view, should allow for better systems to eventually emerge, once the Galactic Empire suffers what he quietly believes will be it's eventual, and inevitable, collapse. He sees what the Empire could be, with the right leadership - but is convinced that very few actually in any position of leadership within the empire is capable of it, or even wants to be.
Childhood Trauma - Chet saw his biological family killed in front of him by Pirates during a raid on their villiage. See Phobic character Trait.
Imperial Fleet Admiral - Chet is a Fleet Admiral in the Imperial Navy, specializing in research & design. He commands a fleet of warships and enjoys high security clearances. He holds a Bachelor Degree in Military Science, Majoring in Naval Strategy from the Anaxes War College as a part of his formal education and military commission.
Engineer & Scholar - Chet is extremely well educated in all aspects of starship design and production. He holds a Doctorate in Naval Architecture & Engineering from the Anaxes War College, a Master's Degree in High-Energy Physics from the University of Coruscant, and double-minored in both Hyperspace Theory and Manufacturing Engineering & Management.
Character Points: 12
Learning: Skill-Name
Teacher: NA
Sessions Left: NA
Character Credits: (Classified)
Force Sensitive?: See Special Abilities
Character Force Path: Neutral
Character Force Rank: None (See Special Abilities)
Master (if applicable): None
Midichlorian Count: 9499
Character FP: 4
Development Points: 63
Accelerate Healing
Control Pain
Detoxify Poison
Remove Fatigue
Retain Consciousness
Enhance Attribute
Enhance Skill
Force of Will
Force Speed
Short-Term Memory Enhancement
Life Detection
Life Sense
Natural Navigation
Danger Sense
Enhance Combat
Affect Mind
Aura of Peace
Read Surface Thoughts
Abosrb/Dissipate Energy
Electronic Manipulation
Resist Stun
Force Throw
Jedi Athletics
Code Cylinders - Imperial Fleet Admiral
Merr Sonn Power 5 Heavy Blaster Pistol
Lightsaber (5D Damage - Yellow blade, Wooden Grip, Ornate Red Jewel in Pommel)
Vibroblade (STR+3D)
Imperial Star Destroyer Mk-1 "Majestic" (Soon to be Modified)
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Height: 170 cm
Weight: 60 kg
Character Move: 10/13
Personal Quote: "The best weapon anyone can have, is a sharp Mind."
Character Health Points: 30
Character Initiative: 17
Morality: +22
Renown: 5
Spent FP: 12
Character Pic:
Character Bio:
Character Trait Modifier:
- +2 Ambidextrous Fighting
- +2 Endurance
- +4 Favored
- +2 Heroism
- +4 Direction Sense
- +3 Gifted Learner (Knowledge)
- +3 Information Network (Galactic Empire)
- +6 Iron Will
- +7 Linguistic Talent
- +1 Trademark Specialization - Captial Ship Repair: Imperial Starships
- +1 Trademark Specialization - Starfighter Repair: Imperial Fighters
- +1 Trademark Specialization - Space Transport Repair: Imperial Space Transports
- +1 Trademark Specialization - Starship Weapons Repair: Imperial Ships
- +1 Trademark Specialization - ADV. Profession: Engineer - Starships
- +1 Trademark Specialization - Scholar: Starship Design & Technology (Doctorate Level)
- +1 Trademark Specialization - Command: Naval
- +1 Trademark Specialization - Tactics: Naval
- +20 Trained Intelligence
- +3 Ally (Grand Moff Tarkin & Successor)
- +3 Authority
- +3 Compounded by Whispers
- +3 Magnanimous Appeal
- +3 Military Genius
- +4 Patron (The Emperor) - Has the favor of the Emperor, based on his strategic genius, and technical prowess in designing new technology for the Empire
- +30 Unrealized Potential - Technical
- -4 Baseline Human Species Trait Modifier
- -15 Physical Impairment (x3, All Force Skills - Control, Sense, Alter, From 3D to 1D) - See Special Abilities
- -6 Negative Learning Curve (x3, Control, Sense, Alter) - See Special Abilities
- -60 Reduced Attribute (x12, Control x 6, Sense x 6, Alter x 6, from 3D to 1D) - See Special Abilities
- -3 Cultural Unfamiliarity (Core-Worlds High Society) - Grew up in a primitive villiage of shipwrecked humans, on backwater Sanctuary moon of Endor
- -6 Bonded Allegiance (Galactic Empire)
- -2 Phobic (Watching family members killed in front of someone)
- -3 Stutter (When Designing or performing complex mental calculations)
- -12 Chronic Pain (Debilitating Headaches) - See Special Abilities
- Blaster (+2D, 6D)
- Blaster: Pistols (+3D, 7D)
- Dodge (+1D, 5D)
- Firearms
- Lightsaber (+2D, 6D)
- Form 1: Shii-Cho
- Form 2: Makashi (+4D, 8D)
- Form 3: Soresu
- Melee Combat
- Running
- Vehicle Blasters
- ADV. Counter
- ADV. Defend
- ADV. Flurry
- ADV. Quick Draw
- ADV. Rapid Shot
- ADV. Single Weapon Focus
- Brawling (+1D, 5D)
- Climbing/Jumping
- Stamina (+1D, +1D Trait, 6D)
- Swimming
- ADV. One-Handed Fighting
- ADV. Off-Handed Fighting (Trait)
- Accounting (+1D, 6D+1)
- Alien Species
- Artist
- Bureaucracy (+2D, +2D trait, DC 21 req, 9D+1)
- Business (+1D, 6D+1)
- Culinary Arts
- Cultures
- Drink Mixology
- Intimidation (+2D, 7D+1)
- Languages (+1D Trait, 1/2 CP, 6D+1)
- Law Enforcement (+1 trait, 5D+2)
- Military History (+1D, 6D+1)
- Planetary Systems (+2D, 7D+1)
- Scholar (+2D, 7D+1)
- Scholar: Chemistry
- Scholar: High Energy Physics
- Scholar: Hyperspace Theory
- Scholar: Manufacturing
- Scholar: Metallurgy
- Scholar: Military Science
- Scholar: Starship Design & Technology (+2D, +2 Trait, 10D)
- Streetwise
- Streetwise: Galactic Empire (Trait) (+2D, 7D+1)
- Survival
- Tactics (+1D, 6D+1)
- Tactics: Naval (+2D, +2 Trait, +2D trait stack, DC 21 req, 10D)
- Traffic Control Procedures
- Value
- Willpower (+2D, 7D+1)
- Willpower vs Hostile Persuasion, Command, Intimidation, Torture, Affect Mind, Control Mind (+2D, +1D Trait, 8D+1)
- Willpower vs Pain (+2D, +1D+2 Trait, 9D)
- Willpower vs Staying Conscious (+2D, +1D+2 Trait, 9D)
- ADV. Brainwashing
- ADV. Tracking
- ADV. Profession: Engineer (Starships) (+1D, +2 Trait, 7D)
- ADV. Profession: Military Officer (Naval)
- Bargain
- Command (+1D, +2 trait, 6D+2)
- Command: Naval (+2D, +2 Trait-stack, 8D+1)
- Con (+1D, 6D)
- Forgery (+1D, 6D)
- Forgery: Imperial Documents (+2D, 7D)
- Gambling
- Hide
- Investigation
- Persuasion (+2D, +1 Trait, 7D+1)
- Search (+1D, 6D)
- Search vs Correct Path (+2D+2 Trait, 7D+2)
- Search vs Distances (+2D+2 Trait, 7D+2)
- Sneak
- ADV. Leadership (+2D, +2 trait, +2D trait stack, DC 21 req, 9D+2)
- ADV. Steady Aim
- Astrogation (+2D, 6D)
- Capital Ship Gunnery (+1D, 5D)
- Capital Ship Piloting (+1D, 5D)
- Capital Ship Shields (+2D, 6D)
- Communications
- Repulsorlift Operation
- Sensors (+1D, 5D)
- Space Transports (+1D, 5D)
- Starfighter Piloting (+1D, 5D)
- Starfighter Piloting: XG-1 StarWing (+3D, 7D)
- Starship Gunnery
- Starship Shields (+2D, 6D)
- Walker Operation
- Armor Repair
- Blaster Repair
- Captial Ship Repair (+1D, 7D)
- Captial Ship Repair: Imperial Starships (+2D, +2 trait, 8D+2)
- Communications Repair
- Computer Programming/Repair
- Demoitions
- Droid Programming/Repair
- Encryption (+1D, 7D)
- Encryption: Imperial Codes (+1D, 8D)
- Firearms Repair
- First Aid
- Machinery Repair
- Repulsorlift Repair
- Security (+2D, +2D trait, DC 21 req, 10D)
- Sensors Repair
- Space Transport Repair (+1D, 7D)
- Space Transport Repair: Imperial Space Transports (+2D, +2 trait, 8D+2)
- Starfighter Repair (+1D, 7D)
- Starfighter Repair: Imperial Fighters (+2D, +2 trait, 8D+2)
- Starship Weapons Repair (+1D, 7D)
- Starship Weapons Repair: Imperial Weapons (+2D, +2 trait, 8D+2)
- Walker Repair
- ADV. Lightsaber Repair
- ADV. Slicing
Special Skills:
Force Severed - Chet suffered a grevious head injury as a young man, severing the ability for his brain to register his ability to sense or control the Force. He was only kept alive through a dark and unknown ritual (Darth Nereus Vorn under a false identity, who trained him and his brother Corran on Endor as "The Old Man"), and he himself is not aware of who saved him or why. What is known is that he can only very briefly access his latent Force abilities, and only then with the use of an FP. His Force Attributes were all at 3D at the time he was severed, and had knowledge of Powers of Padawan rank. These have all been effectively reduced to 1D for both Attributes and the Powers under them. Any attempt to activate a Force Power requires a DC 21 to activate, before results are tallied as normal for the roll. (See Trait: Favored). He cannot gain Development Points, and cannot
Former Republic Officer - Turned Imperial at the announcement of the New Order, in order to further his career, and work within to achieve better results than the deeply corrupt and dysfunctional Republic that it replaced.
Imperial Ideals - Does believe in strong *benevolent* central authority and military. Thinks the best society is ordered and structured toward the greater good. These ideals have tempered quite a bit over the years however, and he now believes that the best the Empire will be able to achieve in it's current form, is a 'cleansing' of the Galactic order and the prompting of a reawakened interest in Galactic affairs by the general public. Realizing these ends, in his view, should allow for better systems to eventually emerge, once the Galactic Empire suffers what he quietly believes will be it's eventual, and inevitable, collapse. He sees what the Empire could be, with the right leadership - but is convinced that very few actually in any position of leadership within the empire is capable of it, or even wants to be.
Childhood Trauma - Chet saw his biological family killed in front of him by Pirates during a raid on their villiage. See Phobic character Trait.
Imperial Fleet Admiral - Chet is a Fleet Admiral in the Imperial Navy, specializing in research & design. He commands a fleet of warships and enjoys high security clearances. He holds a Bachelor Degree in Military Science, Majoring in Naval Strategy from the Anaxes War College as a part of his formal education and military commission.
Engineer & Scholar - Chet is extremely well educated in all aspects of starship design and production. He holds a Doctorate in Naval Architecture & Engineering from the Anaxes War College, a Master's Degree in High-Energy Physics from the University of Coruscant, and double-minored in both Hyperspace Theory and Manufacturing Engineering & Management.
Character Points: 12
Learning: Skill-Name
Teacher: NA
Sessions Left: NA
Character Credits: (Classified)
Force Sensitive?: See Special Abilities
Character Force Path: Neutral
Character Force Rank: None (See Special Abilities)
Master (if applicable): None
Midichlorian Count: 9499
Character FP: 4
Development Points: 63
Accelerate Healing
Control Pain
Detoxify Poison
Remove Fatigue
Retain Consciousness
Enhance Attribute
Enhance Skill
Force of Will
Force Speed
Short-Term Memory Enhancement
Life Detection
Life Sense
Natural Navigation
Danger Sense
Enhance Combat
Affect Mind
Aura of Peace
Read Surface Thoughts
Abosrb/Dissipate Energy
Electronic Manipulation
Resist Stun
Force Throw
Jedi Athletics
Code Cylinders - Imperial Fleet Admiral
Merr Sonn Power 5 Heavy Blaster Pistol
Lightsaber (5D Damage - Yellow blade, Wooden Grip, Ornate Red Jewel in Pommel)
Vibroblade (STR+3D)
Imperial Star Destroyer Mk-1 "Majestic" (Soon to be Modified)