Time to Use: This power requires 1 full round to manifest, then maintained for # of rounds = result/5.
Focus: 1 (maintained during attempt)
Difficulty: Varies; See Below

An advanced form of Telekinesis, Distort Matter is the ability to alter a substance in a very detailed manner, sometimes even at the molecular level. By manipulating the fields of telekinetic energy in very precise ways, the Jedi can bend, shape, and even fuse material, moulding it into whatever they desire.

The base difficulty for any given material is determined by its density. Meeting the base difficulty allows for blunt and imprecise changes, such as crimping a blaster nozzle closed or creating/repairing a dent in a panel. More complex changes add to the base difficulty.

Difficulty vs. Material

Very Easy - Liquids
Easy - Malleable matter, plastics (Molten iron, cloth, ect)
Moderate - Common metals, stone (Durasteel, common gemstones)
Difficult - Superior metals and alloys (Neutronium, Corusca gems)
Heroic - Highly dense and/or unstable matter (Barridium, Living tissue)

DC Increase vs. Magnitude of change
+0 - Dent, ruffle, wrinkle, smooth, Simple bends, kinks, right angle turns
+5 - Reshaping the material, molding (Forming a tube out of a solid rod)
+10 - Complex shapes and changes. (Crazy straw out of a rod)
+15 - Intricate designs, carvings, statutes, weaving, fusing materials

This power must be maintained for at least a # of rounds equal to the roll result divided by 5, in order to be successful. Dropping the power prematurely is possible, but will leave the attempt only partially finished, and the effects of this are GM discretion.

Rank Required: Knight
See Also: Imbue Weapon
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