Does SWO Staff perform Activity Checks?
Yes and no. We do go over the Active Character Sheets periodically. Since GM note the presence of each and every member at regularly scheduled events, that would constitute an unofficial activity check. Game Masters on Staff are subject to their own activity checks in terms of running applicable sim events.

Is my character safe for the Activity Check?
This is impossible to say, as players are not informed of the time activity checks are performed. However, If you attend a minimum of 2 sim/live RP events per month, your character will be always be 100% safe, no matter when we perform the behind-the-scenes activity check. Players who opt to show their activity by posting on the forums (and nowhere else) require to make a minimum of 1 post per week in an active RP thread - located either in the Fable Nexus or the FanFic Central.

When is the next Activity Check?
Activity Checks are held 100% behind the scenes. Our Game Masters do not share the time of their activity checks with the players.

What happens if my character(s) are deemed 'inactive'?
Should your character(s) be deemed as inactive, their respective character sheets will be moved to the appropriate resources section where all the AWOL/KIA/ETC., character sheets reside. You may or may not receive a PM warning you of this action being taken, so do not assume that you will be advised. Most characters are kept on the active file unless they have not seen any RP action in 3 months or more.

How can I bring my character(s) back to Active Status after being gone for 3 months or more?
The only way to do this, is to become active again. This means that you will be expected to participate in sim events and Discord/chat or Forum RP in order to show that you are serious about role-playing with us. Your character(s) will be placed on a 1 month activity trial period, after which - should your attendance be deemed satisfactory - you will have your PCs returned to 'active' status.
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