Gender: Female
Age: 16
Height: 1.78 m
Weight: 62 kg
Character Move: 10/13
Callsign: Ace One
Personal Quote: "I smell booms..."
Character Health Points: 50
Character Initiative: 31
Morality: +88
Renown: 11
Spent FP: 22
Appearance: Dark blonde (light brown) hair, silver-grey eyes, toned physique.
Character Points: 64
Learning: Capital Ship Shields
Teacher: Corvus Arca Dalen [NPC]
Sims Left: 6
Character Credits: 139,359 (45,550 Sovereigns)
Force Sensitive? Yes
Force Path: Jedi
Force Rank: Master
Master: Muriel Y'ar (former)
Padawan(s): Sulia Feldyr (current); Xadao Tobu (former, now a Jedi Knight)
Character FP: 19
Development Points: 193
Midichlorian Count: 19,975
Character Bio:
Cloned on board the ISD Mark II, the "Omega" by the hand of the Sith Lord, Muriel Y'ar, Raine had not known any other existence beyond that which the Omega had to offer. Guided by a Sith Lord's beckon call, she had always believed her destiny to be dictated by others. Her accelerated growth brought about a sudden 'release' from her environment's sterile confines - and thus allowed to seek all the answers to her destiny, Raine Andyr left the isolation and safety of the "Omega" to find the truth of her innate origins ...
Personality & Quirks:
- Personality Type: ESTP-A (Assertive Entrepreneur)
- Quietly forceful, original, and sensitive
- Tends to stick to things until they are done
- Extremely intuitive about people and concerned for their feelings
- Possesses well-developed value systems which she strictly adheres to
- Well-respected for her perseverance in doing the right thing
- Likely to be individualistic, rather than leading or following
- Favorite drink is 'Sloshed Wookiee' - a 50/50 mix of Cortyg brandy and Mandalorian Tihar
- Raine has 'inherited' 2 pets from a former member of the group (now deceased): a feisty Spukamas, named 'Rudi" and a mongrel canine, named 'Brats'. (NOTE: Brats has since been adopted by Ethan Cuyan)
- She also has a tattoo of a large white swan on her left side, covering up the scar she received from Darth Vorn
- Wears a simple titanium band (ring) on a chain around her neck (properties unknown)
- Offspring: Kayah Andyr (20,580 mc), Castor Andyr (7,056 mc), Pollux Andyr (21,000 mc)