
  1. Raine


    Requires: Scholar: Sith Lore at 6D Difficulty: Moderate, if performed during item creation; Very Difficult, if performed on an existing item Time To Use: # rounds = result / 5. Focus: 2 (maintained) Effect: Mechanically speaking, this power works just like Force Alchemy. Treat as a...
  2. Raine


    Difficulty: Very Easy; Resistible Time to Use: None (burst) Focus: None Effect: ALTER activation roll resisted via STRENGTH or ALTER. Target(s) pushed back a number of meters equal to the activation roll minus the resistance roll. Target gains a bonus to their resistance roll equal to their...
  3. Raine


    Time to Use: N/A (Reaction) Focus: 1 (maintained) Difficulty: Easy Effect: When targeted by any kind of energy damage, the Jedi may choose to roll Absorb/Dissipate energy to resist this damage. This must be done before any other type of reaction roll, and costs 2 actions to achieve. One...
  4. Raine


    Time to Use: N/A Focus: 1 (maintained) Difficulty: Moderate Effect: Note: Any character who uses this power will suffer a dark side point if their Morality is above -25. Upon activation, the user creates a physical manifestation of the Force, forming a radiant sphere of pure hatred in...
  5. Raine


    Difficulty: See Below Time to Use: N/A Focus: 1 (Maintained) Pre-requisite(s): Bolt of Hatred (Force), Absorb/Dissipate Energy Effect: Note: Any character who uses this power will suffer a dark side point if their Morality is above -50. Upon successful activation, deal 1/2 ALTER in damage...
  6. Raine


    Time to Use: N/A (non-reaction) Focus: 1 for 1 target, 2 for 2 targets, 3 for 4 targets, 4 for up to 8 targets; (Maintained) Difficulty: Moderate for 2D reduction, Difficult for 4D, Very Difficult for 6D, Heroic for 8D, and +5 for +2D (Up to the users ALTER) Effect: Note: Any character who uses...
  7. Raine


    Difficulty: Moderate Time to Use: N/A Focus: 1 (Maintained) Effect: Note: Any character who uses this power will suffer a dark side point if their Morality is above -50. The Jedi must be able to directly see or sense her target in order to affect it with Drain Life Energy. Each round it...
  8. Raine


    Difficulty: See Below Time to Use: See Below Focus: 1 (Maintained) Effect: Note: Use of this power always gives a Dark Side point. Gain power by tapping the life force of all sentients on a planet. Receive bonus force points and/or bonus force skills depending on how long the force user has...
  9. Raine


    Requires: Affect Mind Time to Use: N/A (GM Discretion) Focus: 1 (maintained) Difficulty: Easy - non-sentient machines; Moderate - sentient machines or hostile non-sentient machines; Difficult - hostile sentient machines; Modified by proximity and complexity. Effect: Note: Destructive use...
  10. Raine


    Time to Use: This power requires 1 full round to manifest Focus: 2 (maintained) Difficulty: Opposed Effect: An advanced form of Absorb/Dissipate energy, this power allows the user to create a field of energy around their body to suppress sound and bend incoming light and other energy around...
  11. Raine


    Time to Use: N/A Focus: 1 (maintained, single method); 2 (maintained, both methods) Difficulty: Moderate - Single method; Very Difficult - Both methods Effect: Note: This power may not be used on Lightsabers. Upon activation, the Jedi chooses which method to use, and which melee weapon...
  12. Raine


    Time to Use: This power requires 1 full round to manifest, then maintained for # of rounds = result/5. Focus: 1 (maintained during attempt) Difficulty: Varies; See Below Effect: An advanced form of Telekinesis, Distort Matter is the ability to alter a substance in a very detailed manner...
  13. Raine


    Requires: Scholar: Jedi Lore at 4D Difficulty: Easy if performed during item creation; Difficult if performed on an existing item Time to Use: # rounds = result / 5. Focus: 1 (Maintained) Effect: Treat as a concentration roll when creating items. However, it is not capped at the user's maximum...
  14. Raine


    Time to Use: N/A (non-reaction) Focus: 1 (maintained) Difficulty: Moderate if the character is in perfect health. Difficult if the character has already been hit with stun energy or is otherwise injured. Effect: Note: This power must be raised normally, before the attack lands. This is...
  15. Raine


    Difficulty: Opposed vs. attacker's force lightning roll. Time to Use: N/A Focus: 1 Effect: The user may activate this power as a reaction roll to being attacked with force lightning. If the attacker wins, the user receives damage as normal. If the user beats the attacker's roll, the...
  16. Raine


    Time to Use: N/A (Free action; See Absorb/Dissipate Energy) Focus: 1 Difficulty: Easy Effect: Note: This skill may only be performed after a successful Absorb/Dissipate Energy roll to absorb energy. After a successful Absorb roll with the Absorb/Dissipate energy power, a skilled Jedi can...
  17. Raine


    Time to Use: N/A Focus: 1, or ALL (See Below) Difficulty: Moderate Effect: Note: This power may be used as a reaction roll, at a -1D Penalty. Upon activation, the user declares which method of the power they wish to use, then rolls the power. If successful in activating the power, the Jedi...
  18. Raine


    Time to Use: N/A (Reaction) Focus: 1 (Maintained) Difficulty: Opposed vs Ranged or Melee Attack. Effect: Upon activation, the Jedi rolls this power as a blanket reaction roll against ranged or melee attacks, regardless if they are energy, physical, or even physical manifestations of Force...
  19. Raine


    Focus: Varies Difficulty: Varies Time to Use: N/A Effect: Move or apply kinetic force through use of the Force. Note: Aggressive use of this skill to attack and/or injure another living being usually warrants a Dark Side Point. GM discretion is advised. Description: Telekinesis is one of the...
  20. Raine


    Time to Use: N/A Focus: 1 (maintained) Difficulty: Opposed roll. For Targets without opposing rolls: Easy - stationery target; Moderate - target moving in a straight line or target smaller than 1 m in size; Difficult - Target moving in an irregular path or target smaller than 10 cm in size...