Requires: Scholar: Sith Lore at 6D
Difficulty: Moderate, if performed during item creation; Very Difficult, if performed on an existing item
Time To Use: # rounds = result / 5.
Focus: 2 (maintained)
Mechanically speaking, this power works just like Force Alchemy. Treat as a...
Difficulty: Very Easy; Resistible
Time to Use: None (burst)
Focus: None
ALTER activation roll resisted via STRENGTH or ALTER. Target(s) pushed back a number of meters equal to the activation roll minus the resistance roll. Target gains a bonus to their resistance roll equal to their...
Time to Use: N/A (Reaction)
Focus: 1 (maintained)
Difficulty: Easy
When targeted by any kind of energy damage, the Jedi may choose to roll Absorb/Dissipate energy to resist this damage. This must be done before any other type of reaction roll, and costs 2 actions to achieve. One...
Time to Use: N/A
Focus: 1 (maintained)
Difficulty: Moderate
Note: Any character who uses this power will suffer a dark side point if their Morality is above -25.
Upon activation, the user creates a physical manifestation of the Force, forming a radiant sphere of pure hatred in...
Difficulty: See Below
Time to Use: N/A
Focus: 1 (Maintained)
Pre-requisite(s): Bolt of Hatred (Force), Absorb/Dissipate Energy
Note: Any character who uses this power will suffer a dark side point if their Morality is above -50.
Upon successful activation, deal 1/2 ALTER in damage...
Time to Use: N/A (non-reaction)
Focus: 1 for 1 target, 2 for 2 targets, 3 for 4 targets, 4 for up to 8 targets; (Maintained)
Difficulty: Moderate for 2D reduction, Difficult for 4D, Very Difficult for 6D, Heroic for 8D, and +5 for +2D (Up to the users ALTER)
Note: Any character who uses...
Difficulty: Moderate
Time to Use: N/A
Focus: 1 (Maintained)
Note: Any character who uses this power will suffer a dark side point if their Morality is above -50.
The Jedi must be able to directly see or sense her target in order to affect it with Drain Life Energy.
Each round it...
Difficulty: See Below
Time to Use: See Below
Focus: 1 (Maintained)
Note: Use of this power always gives a Dark Side point.
Gain power by tapping the life force of all sentients on a planet. Receive bonus force points and/or bonus force skills depending on how long the force user has...
Time to Use: This power requires 1 full round to manifest
Focus: 2 (maintained)
Difficulty: Opposed
An advanced form of Absorb/Dissipate energy, this power allows the user to create a field of energy around their body to suppress sound and bend incoming light and other energy around...
Time to Use: N/A
Focus: 1 (maintained, single method); 2 (maintained, both methods)
Difficulty: Moderate - Single method; Very Difficult - Both methods
Note: This power may not be used on Lightsabers.
Upon activation, the Jedi chooses which method to use, and which melee weapon...
Time to Use: This power requires 1 full round to manifest, then maintained for # of rounds = result/5.
Focus: 1 (maintained during attempt)
Difficulty: Varies; See Below
An advanced form of Telekinesis, Distort Matter is the ability to alter a substance in a very detailed manner...
Requires: Scholar: Jedi Lore at 4D
Difficulty: Easy if performed during item creation; Difficult if performed on an existing item
Time to Use: # rounds = result / 5.
Focus: 1 (Maintained)
Effect: Treat as a concentration roll when creating items. However, it is not capped at the user's maximum...
Time to Use: N/A (non-reaction)
Focus: 1 (maintained)
Difficulty: Moderate if the character is in perfect health. Difficult if the character has already been hit with stun energy or is otherwise injured.
Note: This power must be raised normally, before the attack lands.
This is...
Difficulty: Opposed vs. attacker's force lightning roll.
Time to Use: N/A
Focus: 1
Effect: The user may activate this power as a reaction roll to being attacked with force lightning. If the attacker wins, the user receives damage as normal. If the user beats the attacker's roll, the...
Time to Use: N/A (Free action; See Absorb/Dissipate Energy)
Focus: 1
Difficulty: Easy
Note: This skill may only be performed after a successful Absorb/Dissipate Energy roll to absorb energy.
After a successful Absorb roll with the Absorb/Dissipate energy power, a skilled Jedi can...
Time to Use: N/A
Focus: 1, or ALL (See Below)
Difficulty: Moderate
Note: This power may be used as a reaction roll, at a -1D Penalty.
Upon activation, the user declares which method of the power they wish to use, then rolls the power.
If successful in activating the power, the Jedi...
Time to Use: N/A (Reaction)
Focus: 1 (Maintained)
Difficulty: Opposed vs Ranged or Melee Attack.
Upon activation, the Jedi rolls this power as a blanket reaction roll against ranged or melee attacks, regardless if they are energy, physical, or even physical manifestations of Force...
Focus: Varies
Difficulty: Varies
Time to Use: N/A
Effect: Move or apply kinetic force through use of the Force.
Note: Aggressive use of this skill to attack and/or injure another living being usually warrants a Dark Side Point. GM discretion is advised.
Telekinesis is one of the...
Time to Use: N/A
Focus: 1 (maintained)
Difficulty: Opposed roll.
For Targets without opposing rolls:
Easy - stationery target; Moderate - target moving in a straight line or target smaller than 1 m in size; Difficult - Target moving in an irregular path or target smaller than 10 cm in size...