
  1. Raine

    [REG] Blaster

    Blaster is the "ranged combat" skill used to shoot blaster weapons that can be held and carried by a character. Blaster covers everything from tiny hold-out blasters to large repeating blasters (such as the E-WEB, heavy repeating blaster used by Imperial snowtroopers on Hoth in The Empire...
  2. Raine

    [ADV] Rapid Shot

    Those who possess the advanced skill Rapid Shot may make one extra attack action with a ranged weapon (for a total of up to three attacks) in the same round. This only applies if the weapon has a fast enough `Fire Rate` to allow it to fire that many times in one round. When taking advantage of...
  3. Raine

    [ADV] Off-Handed Fighting

    Without this skill, when a character attempts to wield an item in their non-primary hand (Right/Left, etc), they take a -1D penalty to doing so. Using a Medium item that normally requires two hands to operate (like a Rifle, Carbine, Lightsaber, etc) incurs a further -1D penalty for using such a...
  4. Raine

    [ADV] One-Handed Fighting

    Without this skill, a character receives a -1D penalty when doing one of the following: Using what would normally be a two-handed item (like a carbine or a Lightsaber) with only one hand. Wields two weapons at once (one in each hand), even if they would normally be one-handed weapons. Upon...