
  1. Raine

    [REG] Acrobatics

    Acrobatics is the skill used for falling, tumbling, walking on hands, or doing a handstand. This skill is used when making a very delicate, and precise balance check. This skill is also used when making flips. Skill Type: REGULAR Prerequisites: -- Time Taken: One to several rounds...
  2. Raine

    [REG] Archaic Guns

    Archaic guns is a "ranged combat" skill used to fire any primitive gun, including black powder pistols, flintlocks, and muskets. Normally, only characters from primitive-technology worlds will know this skill. Skill Type: REGULAR Prerequisites: -- Time Taken: One Round Specializations...
  3. Raine

    [ADV] Back to Back

    Two characters with the Back-to-Back Advanced Skill may choose to act as a single body in combat; this confers a multitude of bonuses that are intangible to the pair, along with increasing their prowess in combat and non-combat situations. In essence they evade, attack, and take damage as one...
  4. Raine

    [REG] Blaster

    Blaster is the "ranged combat" skill used to shoot blaster weapons that can be held and carried by a character. Blaster covers everything from tiny hold-out blasters to large repeating blasters (such as the E-WEB, heavy repeating blaster used by Imperial snowtroopers on Hoth in The Empire...
  5. Raine

    [REG] Blaster Artillery

    Blaster artillery is the "ranged combat" skill that covers all fixed, multi-crew heavy weapons, such as those used by the Rebel Alliance at the Battle of Hoth and the fixed ion cannons fired from the planet's surface. The time take to use this skill is often one round. However, certain kinds of...
  6. Raine

    [REG] Bow

    Bows is a "ranged combat" skill covering all bow type weapons, including short bows, long bows and crossbows (excluding Wookiee bowcasters, which fall under the bowcaster skill). Bows are normally only found on low-technology worlds, so this skill is fairly unusual. Skill Type: REGULAR...
  7. Raine

    [REG] Bowcaster

    Bowcaster is a "ranged combat" skill that reflects the user's proficiency at firing the unusual Wookiee bowcaster. This weapon requires great strength and is normally only used by Wookiees. Skill Type: REGULAR Prerequisites: STRENGTH at 5D, minimum. NOTE: Please seek a Special Permission...
  8. Raine

    [REG] Catch!

    Catch! is a "reaction skill" used to intercept ranged projectile attacks such as those caused by the Thrown Weapons or Grenade skill. It is used as an opposed roll against the attacking player. Should the defender win, they successfully catch the weapon or object thrown at them in the first...
  9. Raine

    [REG] Contortions

    The ability to escape from bonds or tightly enclosed places; similar to the Force power, Contort/Escape. Skill Type: REGULAR Prerequisites: -- Time Taken: Varies Specializations: --
  10. Raine

    [ADV] Counter

    This skill allows you to make a single attack action immediately after a successful reaction skill use, within the same round. Skill Type: ADVANCED Prerequisites: Melee Combat 5D OR Lightsaber 5D, Brawling 5D OR Martial Arts 4D, PERCEPTION 3D+1, DEXTERITY 3D+2 Time Taken: --...
  11. Raine

    [REG] Dancing

    Moving to a musical beat and looking good while doing it. Skill Type: REGULAR Prerequisites: -- Time Taken: 1+ rounds Specializations: Exotic dancing, ballroom, etc.
  12. Raine

    [ADV] Defend

    Defend allows the character to fend off enemy attacks at +2D for a full round, any subsequent attacks are penalized -2D for that round. (COUNTER, and during his next turn). This skill may only be used with purely defensive actions, any defensive action that would inflict damage upon the...
  13. Raine

    [REG] Dodge

    Dodge is a "reaction skill" used to avoid any ranged attack, including blaster fire, grenades, bullets and arrows. Characters using this are doing whatever they can to dodge the attack - slipping around a corner for cover, diving behind cargo containers, dropping to the ground, or any other...
  14. Raine

    [REG] Firearms

    Firearms is the "ranged combat" skill used to for all guns which fire bullets, including pistols, rifles, machine guns, assault rifles and any other firearms. (Firearms doesn't include very primitive guns, which are covered under archaic guns.) Skill Type: REGULAR Prerequisites: -- Time...
  15. Raine

    [ADV] Flurry

    Those who possess the advanced skill Flurry may make one extra attack action with a melee weapon/lightsaber/unarmed strike (for a total of up to three attacks) in the same round. When taking advantage of this extra attack, all attacks made during the round must take a -1D DAMAGE penalty as a...
  16. Raine

    [REG] Grenade

    Grenade is the "ranged combat" skill to throw grenades. Success means the grenade hits the location it was thrown to. Failure means it lands somewhere else. This skill covers throwing other objects like rocks and balls. Skill Type: REGULAR Prerequisites: -- Time Taken: One Round...
  17. Raine

    [ADV] Guard

    A character possessing this advanced skill does not need to make a Running check to guard a character with their body. A character may guard another person anywhere within five (5) meters of his/herself, as opposed to three (3). In addition, the guard may be done at ANY time during the round...
  18. Raine

    [ADV] Lightsaber

    Lightsaber is the "melee combat" skill used for the lightsaber, the weapon of the famed Jedi Knights. While a very powerful weapon, a lightsaber is dangerous to an unskilled user - if an attacking character misses the attack difficulty number by 10 or more points, then the character has injured...
  19. Raine

    [REG] Melee Combat

    Melee combat is the "melee combat" skill used for all hand-to-hand weapons (except lightsabers, which is covered under the lightsaber skill). Melee weapons include vibro-axes, force pikes, gaderffii sticks, clubs, bayonets and even impromptu weapons, like chairs and blaster butts. Skill...
  20. Raine

    [REG] Missile Weapons

    Missile weapons is the "ranged combat" skill used to fire all types of missile weapons, including grappling hook launchers, grenade launchers, and personal proton torpedo launchers. Skill Type: REGULAR Prerequisites: -- Time Taken: One Round or More Specializations: Concussion...