Time to Use: N/A (non-reaction)
Focus: 1 for 1 target, 2 for 2 targets, 3 for 4 targets, 4 for up to 8 targets; (Maintained)
Difficulty: Moderate for 2D reduction, Difficult for 4D, Very Difficult for 6D, Heroic for 8D, and +5 for +2D (Up to the users ALTER)
Note: Any character who uses...
Difficulty: Moderate
Time to Use: N/A
Focus: 1 (Maintained)
Note: Any character who uses this power will suffer a dark side point if their Morality is above -50.
The Jedi must be able to directly see or sense her target in order to affect it with Drain Life Energy.
Each round it...
Difficulty: See Below
Time to Use: See Below
Focus: 1 (Maintained)
Note: Use of this power always gives a Dark Side point.
Gain power by tapping the life force of all sentients on a planet. Receive bonus force points and/or bonus force skills depending on how long the force user has...