
  1. Ethan

    TRAINING SIM Rise and Rise Again

    Ethan was in the training area on board the Orion, eager to continue his training with the Force. He had come a long way in his studies of the Force, being superbly guided by his Master Callista and his room mate, Raine. Sometimes he still got a little giddy, thinking about bunking with a Jedi...
  2. Callista

    PRIVATE Umbra of Light

    Emotion, yet Peace. Ignorance, yet Knowledge. Passion, yet Serenity. Chaos, yet Harmony. Death... yet the Force. ~ THE JEDI CODE ~
  3. Raine


    Requires: Scholar: Sith Lore at 6D Difficulty: Moderate, if performed during item creation; Very Difficult, if performed on an existing item Time To Use: # rounds = result / 5. Focus: 2 (maintained) Effect: Mechanically speaking, this power works just like Force Alchemy. Treat as a...
  4. Raine


    "The Force is what gives a Jedihis power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us, it penetrates us, it binds the Galaxy together." — Obi-Wan Kenobi USING THE FORCE Playing a Force Sensitive character carries with it additional responsibilities and required...
  5. Davin Kabak


    FL-01 Force Lance A collapsible Phrik-alloy electrostaff designed to defend against lightsabers, as well as perform close quarters combat and crowd control. This unique weapon has an off-center grip, with a rounded quad-slotted combination Stun/Ion blast emitter around each end. The weapon is...
  6. Raine


    Character Name: Type: Alien Student of the Force Gender/Species: Age: Height: Weight: Physical Description: Dexterity: 3D+2 Brawling Dodge Melee Combat Running Knowledge: 3D+2 Alien Species Cultures Languages Scholar: The Force Survival Willpower Mechanical: 2D Communications Space Transports...
  7. Raine

    The Midi-chlorian Path

    The following Force Powers can be learned alongside regular Force powers, although Traits (like Gifted Learner, for instance), do NOT apply. Once learned, the MFP is rolled in accordance with the Force Attribute it falls under. All the other pertinent information has been listed below - but...