PRIVATE Big Trouble in Alzada City

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At a sidewalk cafe in Alzada City, Capital of Albion Prime.
Shithole, USA
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RPG Rating 3 3 3
The day was warm as Alzada City was exiting winter. Deciding to enjoy the nice weather he had chosen to do some window shopping for friends and family, and was enjoying the time away from everything. Remembering his prior trips to the city though, he did not come wholly unprepared. He was wearing a Level IIIA concealable armor vest underneath his shirt, and had on his hip a VTR-5 Flachette Pistol. He could have just gotten a firearm from ship stores, but frankly, he didn't feel like doing the paperwork. Besides, this one was already registered with the Justicars.

Completing his outfit was basic khaki pants (with what seems like 400 pockets), a button up dark grey shirt (to cover the body armor), tan boots and his hip holster for his VTR-5. Plus a spare magazine on the back of his belt. Since the shirt wasn't tucked in, it hid the spare magazine rather well. What surprised him most though about this jaunt to the commercial district, was the person that decided to come with him. Walking along next to him was his good friend Callista. He guessed she needed to get away from things for a bit also, and to be honest he was glad for the company.

They had spent the better part of the late morning walking along and checking out the different shops which had resulted in a few items that were to be delivered in a few days, allowing them to keep their hands free. As they came up to a cafe, Matt gestured to doorway. "Shall we get something to eat for lunch, Callie? My treat." He gave her a smile as he held open the door for her. When they went in, he'd survey the room out of habit. Everything looked okay, except for one guy at the counter that seemed agitated. Matt decided he'd keep his eyes on him.

Taking a free booth, a waitress came over to give them menus and take their initial drink orders. "Just some water for me," Matthias said. He then looked to Callista to see what she wanted to drink.
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