
To place a commission order from Ambient Vibe, fill out the form below. If you would like to add URLs to images that would help illustrate what you have in mind, feel free to do so. The more detail I have, the better. I will reply back within 72 hrs, at which time we can iron out anything that is left unclear.
Please include country code (if not in the USA).
If you checked 'Other' above, please state specifically what kind of artwork you had in mind:
Sum up your character in one or two sentences as if you were introducing us to him or her; what kind of character is s/he (examples: medieval fantasy knight; galactic gunslinger, etc.)
Briefly describe the following for your character(s):
- Character Name
- Character Race (if Fantasy/Sci-Fi)
- Character Sex
- Distinctive Markings (blindfold, tattoos, scars, etc.)
- Height
- Build
- Skin Color
- Eye Color
- Hair Color
- Hair Length & Style Distinctive Markings (blindfold, tattoos, scars, etc.)
Provide us with a description of the style of clothing your character normally wears.
Provide us with a description of another style of clothing your character normally wears.
Examples: a broadsword or a staff, etc.
Examples: crouching, sitting, pointing ahead, etc.
If you are ordering a character with a complex background, please specify an acceptable setting for your character.
If you are ordering a character with a complex background, please specify an alternate (acceptable) setting for your character.
If you are so inclined, please provide us with URL links that exemplify your character's various appearance elements (such as hairstyle, build, style of clothing), etc. These may be helpful in custom-sculpting him or her.
Specific Items or Props: (If you wish for your character to wear something specific, such as a piece of ornamental jewelry for example, please describe the item in detail. If I do not have the model that fits the client’s needs, I may have to purchase it – however, I will always confirm with you first, prior to undertaking any expense for which you might be liable.

Additional Characters ($15): (fill out and send in the character form above for each character required in the scene)
Atmospheric Effects ($10): (weather)
Additional Props ($10 per item): (like an animal companion, for example – list here)
Rush Order ($15): (your order will be ready in 72 hrs)
Check the box above if you wish the order to be completed within 72 hours of initial consultation with the artist. Be aware that choosing this option incurs an extra $15 charge.